Hello World, Hello OTDT

Hello World, Hello OTDT

Today we launched this website to move forward with OTDT. Several months of development and testing passed by and we are now able to release OTDT into the world.


2019-12-05 14:00

While we are mainly into Home Automation (Smart Home), Building Automation and (Production, …) Site Automation OTDT certainly could be used for many different things and projects. So beside the “normal”(automated) testing of our software we have built some (perhaps) “exotic” stuff to test (and use) OTDT in a special way and by “special clients”.

At least 2 of these “exotic” projects will get described here on our website in the near future:

  • An LEGO Mindstorms EV3 based robot where the control unit has been changed to a Raspberry Pi 3 with Dexter BrickPi3 module controlled by OTDT.
  • Several LEGO City Trains with LEGO PoweredUp controlled by OTDT on a Raspberry Pi 3.

These 2 projects show the flexibility of OTDT and its functional range. Certainly the aboce mentioned “special clients” are our children – extremely good testing staff.

If you will have such special ideas and projects, give us a hint and tell us about your results.